Conception and piloting of the German Climate Fund for Tourism

Conception and piloting of the German Climate Fund for Tourism
Innovative financing model for climate protection activities

Germany aims to enable the tourism sector to develop, implement and document effective greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions in line with national climate protection targets.


The German Climate Fund for Tourism is being developed to accelerate the implementation of climate protection activities. The fund is part of the National Climate Initiative of the German Federal Government by first co-developing feasible long term GHG reduction targets and a sector wide GHG inventory. In decarbonization workshops, feasible long-term reduction targets for the tourism industry will be formulated, aligned with national reduction targets. Following on from this, model solutions for the reduction of GHG emissions by tourism service providers and destinations will be developed and tested. A sector-specific and legally compliant financing model for climate protection activities will accelerate the implementation of these solutions. An industry-wide GHG inventory will be developed that is compatible with the national GHG inventory.


Efforts in tourism will contribute to the collective contribution across sectors to reduce GHG emissions by 40% in Germany.

Source: G20 members and guest countries survey for the preparation of the Goa Roadmap for Tourism as a vehicle for achieveing the SDGs (2023)