Tourist TechGen Hackathon

United Arab Emirates
Tourist TechGen Hackathon
Gamifying Tourism to Dispel the Sector’s Negative Image

The United Arab Emirates aims to increase youth participation in the tourism sector while also decreasing the negative perception youth had of the sector.


The Ministry of Economy launched the Tourism TechGen Hackathon, which worked towards a two fold goal:
(i) to generate innovative new ideas for the sector and
(ii) to develop the spirit of entrepreneurship in students encouraging them to work in the tourism sector.


The Hackathon generated over a hundred ideas from different student groups across the country; many of these students are now being considered for tourism internships and job opportunities while others feel more encouraged to build a career in tourism.

Source: G20 members and guest countries survey for the preparation of the Goa Roadmap for Tourism as a vehicle for achieveing the SDGs (2023)